Almond Milk
Home-made almond milk is so easy to make. Make sure you have a good blender (I use the Mod Appliances Blend Pro) a straining cloth and a large jug to hold the milk.
1 cup of raw almonds
4 cups of filtered water
1 date, pitted.
pinch of salt
In preparation, soak your almonds overnight in 2 cups of filtered water.
Dispose of liquid and rinse almonds.
Place almonds in a blender with 4 cups of filtered water, date and salt.
Blend on high until smooth and creamy
Place your straining cloth over a sieve that is sitting in a large bowl. Pour blended milk through the straining cloth and squeeze out any excess liquid.
The milk should now she sitting in the large bowl. Pour into your jug and keep refrigerated.
If you want to create vanilla rose almond milk (pictured) - when adding almonds and filtered water into the blender, swap your date for a teaspoon of vanilla essence and add 1 tsp of beetroot juice.